New Web Page

Welcome to the updated Martin Chiropractic Webpage!

Back in 1996 we were one of the first chiropractic offices in Canada to have our own domain and web site.  However, keeping up with the busyness of life allowed technology quickly to surpass our ability to stay current, and the web site, although useful, was not very current.  One of our colleagues suggested the site looked like it was designed on photocopy paper!

Over the last few months, Dr. Scott has become quite a proficient blogger, and his web design skills encouraged us both to explore, learn and design a new site.  Using a bit of help from WordPress, we have come up with the site you are now visiting.  We hope you like it!

During the upcoming weeks, this site will expand and become even more resourceful, including regular blog posts by both of us.  We are working to integrate the blog with our Facebook page and Twitter feed, so be sure to follow!

Here’s what the old page looked like:

Thanks for your interest in our site!


1 Comment

  1. Catherine Warren

    Thank you Dr. Greg and Dr. Martin

    I have not been on your site for awhile but am I ever glad I visited this morning. It is amazing; informative, easy to follow, full of life and AMAZING pictures on your blog. My husband just bought me a camera for my birthday; my phone is always loaded with pictures of my grandchildren of course, trees, flowers, neat and different cars, water and sunsets. I doubt I will ever get the amazing ones like on your site but they sure stir the heart to the beauty of God’s creation and wonderment.

    Thanks for the breath of life in more ways than one – also the chiropractor care that has helped immensely. We are thankful for you and may our awesome God continue to bless you, your loved ones and your patients. 🙂

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