Resolved in 2017
Posted by Martin Chiropractic on Jan 1, 2017 in Blog, Chiropractic, General Health | 4 commentsIf you are in the habit of reading or following Blog’s, you can’t help but notice that everyone has written a ‘New Years Resolution’ Blog – so we better jump on the bandwagon and write one too, but with a twist. We are going to suggest you don’t make any New-Years resolutions! This probably just became your favorite New-Years Blog!
We all know resolutions fail. They last a few days, weeks, or maybe months, but they eventually fail. Resolutions in and of themselves are not a bad thing, they just don’t have any lasting power to change the way we live.
Instead of making resolutions, we need to make real decisions, real choices, that will have lasting impact and these will only happen if we have a driving force behind the change – a purpose driven by understanding WHY we want to change.
What we need to be is resolved. My wife Jenn defines resolved as admirably purposeful, determined, unwavering, steadfast, full of conviction. And, conviction is a belief of which we are thoroughly convinced, something that is essential and life changing.
How does this apply to our resolutions? Suppose we make a resolution to loose some weight. That’s great, and chances are we will loose some. But chances are even better we will gain it all back! Why? Because we didn’t have resolve.
Now let’s suppose we were resolved to take much better care of our body, because we came to the realization that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by a creator God, and our body is an amazing organism that is designed to function at a level of complexity we will never understand and has an incredible ability to heal – and as such, we have an obligation to give our bodies all it needs and eliminate what harms it – for life, with the best of our ability.
Once you grasp this, wellness becomes a lifestyle, choices come from a place of conviction, and with resolve we implement changes for life. And that’s how we make resolutions stick. It has nothing all to do with the resolution, and everything to do with the WHY behind it.
So, this year, and every year hereafter, let’s become resolved to take the best care of our bodies that we can. Eat well, sleep well, get some exercise, manage you mental, social and spiritual life well. Don’t be quick to reach for the pill bottle. Get adjusted. If you don’t have a chiropractor on your healthcare team, get one. A healthy nervous system is vital to a healthy lifestyle.
From all of us at Martin Chiropractic – Happy 2017!! And, lets be resolved to take lifetime care of our bodies.
Well said, Greg! I’m big on the word CHOICE and totally agree that choices come from our convictions! Appreciate your words!
Thanks Ruth – it’s all about the WHY!
I love that you quoted your amazing wife Dr Greg. The word resolved is addresses what is essential for life. Thank you for proclaiming the truth and focusing on the WHY
Thanks Dr. Jen! I am always happy to quote Jenn! We really to need a big WHY in order to be resolved.